Urban service tickets

SINGLE JOURNEY Ticket --> 1,00 €biglietto corsa semplice

Valid for a single urban bus trip.
It is necessary to validate it as soon as you board the vehicle and keep it throughout the journey, showing it to the personnel on board.
Once the ticket is validated, it becomes personal and non-transferable.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App


CARNET 10 Tickets + 1 free --> 10,00 €img2 carnet10+1

Book of 11 single journey tickets, saleable in its integral composition only.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App



img3 orario90 MINUTES VALIDITY Ticket (with double ticket-printing) --> 1,20 €

You can use it for two urban trips with a 90-minute frame between the first and the last validations (the total ride time can be longer than 90 minutes).
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices



img4 giornONE DAY Ticket --> 3,00 €

You can use it for unlimited same day urban travel.
It is necessary to validate it only the first time you board the vehicle.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App


img5 sovrurbTicket issued on board WITH AN EXTRA CHARGE --> 1,50 €

Didn’t you have time to purchase your ticket?
If available, buy it on board from the driver with exact cash.
Valid only on the single route it has been issued for.       





img6 cs0 90SINGLE JOURNEY Ticket --> 0,90 €

Valid for a single urban bus trip.
It is necessary to validate it as soon as you board the vehicle and keep it throughout the journey, showing it to the personnel on board.
Once the ticket is validated, it becomes personal and non-transferable.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App (for Ostuni and Francavilla Fontana)


img2 carnet10 1CARNET Tickets 10+1 -- > 9,00 €

Book of 11 single journey tickets, saleable in its integral composition only.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- App MyCicero (for Ostuni and Francavilla Fontana)


img5 sovrurbTicket issued on board WITH AN EXTRA CHARGE --> 1,50 €

Didn’t you have time to purchase your ticket?
If available, buy it on board from the driver with exact cash.
Valid only on the single route it has been issued for.


Contrada Piccoli Z.I. - 72100 Brindisi
P.IVA 00112550744
Tel: 0831 54 91 11 Fax: 0831 57 57 12
Società trasparente
Segnalazioni Whistleblowing

ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 - ISO 45001 ISO 39001
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