The Società Trasporti Pubblici di Brindisi SpA is located in Brindisi in Contrada Piccoli – Industrial Area. You can contact STP:
- by going to the Sales Office in via Alfredo Cappellini, close to Piazza Cairoli, in Brindisi town centre, where you can look at the information material about the service, purchase travel tickets and take out passes; it also possible to make a complaint using the dedicated forms provided by the staff on duty;
- by dialing the toll-free number +39 800232042;
- by sending a fax to the number +39 0831/575712;
- and ask for clarifications on lines, stops served, timetables, connections and on the easiest way to reach your destination by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
- by filling the form in to contact us or for Complaints and suggestions;
- by sending an e-mail to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any other kind of communication or information.