People with disabilities

Diversamente abili

In compliance with the EU Regulation no. 181/2011 by the European Parliament and Council dated on 16th February and the principle of equality, STP Brindisi ensures people with disabilities or reduced mobility the opportunity to enjoy the transport service like any other citizen.

In general, this service is available only on board of those buses and at those bus stops that ensure the access safety, both indicated by a specific symbol.

simbolo diversamente abili


Extra-urban Services

About 26% of vehicles employed by STP Brindisi is equipped with a removable wheelchair ramp that improves the disabled access(1). In particular, the presence of a ramp-equipped bus is guaranteed for all runs on the routes Mesagne - Brindisi and Torchiarolo – San Pietro It is possible to access safely (up- and downward) the bus stops reported by the document below:



Brindisi Urban Service

About 74% of vehicles employed by STP Brindisi is equipped with a removable wheelchair ramp that improves the disabled access(1). In particular, the presence of a ramp-equipped bus is guaranteed for all runs on the route 1. It is possible to access safely (up- and downward) the bus stops reported by the document below:


Find below the comprehensive list of dedicated urban accessible bus stops:


Dedicated bus stops for ascent and descent are indicated by specific signals at the bus stops.

The company makes itself available, if possible and based on the customers’ needs, to ensure the use of ramp-equipped buses upon specific demands conveniently pointed out through the communication channels available qui.

In compliance with the EU Regulation no. 181/2011, security reasons or the particular vehicle’s configuration may warrant the lacking service performance.

(1) Percentage based on the average number of vehicles required for the daily service during school terms.


Contrada Piccoli Z.I. - 72100 Brindisi
P.IVA 00112550744
Tel: 0831 54 91 11 Fax: 0831 57 57 12
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ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 - ISO 45001 ISO 39001
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