PuntoSTP - URP

Punto urp

PuntoSTP – Information Office plays, within the organizational structure of the Società Trasporti Pubblici di Brindisi, a central role in the handling of relationships with citizens-users-customers . PuntoSTP is located in Brindisi at no. 18 via Alfredo Cappellini.
PuntoSTP offers the following services:

  • General information
  • Complaints handling
  • Access to documents
  • Delivery/shipment of tender notices
  • Delivery/shipment of competition notices
  • Customer satisfaction survey
  • Selling of travel tickets, passes, ect.
  • Contact Centre – toll-free number

Opening time: from Monday to Saturday, from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For any clarification on lines, bus stops served, timetables, connections and the easiest way to reach your destination, you can send an e-mail at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contrada Piccoli Z.I. - 72100 Brindisi
P.IVA 00112550744
Tel: 0831 54 91 11 Fax: 0831 57 57 12
Società trasparente
Segnalazioni Whistleblowing

ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 - ISO 45001 ISO 39001
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