Useful news

Services Charter

carta servizi

The Mobility Charter is a services charter arranged by the Società Trasporti Pubblici of Brindisi and it is a document intended for changing the relationship between the Company - as Local Public Transport service provider – and the citizens, customers of the service itself. In fact it reinforces the guarantee of citizens’ mobility freedom provided for by art. 16 of the Italian Constitution, according to which “every citizen can move and reside freely in any part of the national territory”.
The Mobility Charter points out specific factors of the service quality and, for each of them, the benchmark over the charter’s validity period.
The Customer will be able to compare his own experience user-customer with the commitments made by S.T.P. and, if he feels they have not been complied with, he will have the opportunity to submit complaints, remarks and suggestions the company will provide to with specific replies.
For the customer, who is made the focus of the company’s attention, it is a tool to know the Company’s goals and check their actual fulfillment. In any case, by adopting the Mobility Charter, S.T.P. di Brindisi aims at achieving the improvement of the offered services quality and the relationship with the citizens-customers.

carta dei servizi 2017
 Edition 2017 (1,7 MB)


carta dei servizi 2006 carta dei servizi 2007 carta dei servizi 2008 carta dei servizi 2009 carta dei servizi 2010
Ed. 2006 Ed. 2007 (1,5 MB) Ed. 2008 (1,1 MB) Ed. 2009 (1,0 MB) Ed. 2010 (0,5 MB)
carta dei servizi 2011 carta dei servizi 2012 carta dei servizi 2013 carta dei servizi 2014 carta dei servizi 2015
Ed. 2011 (1,2 MB) Ed. 2012 (1,8 MB) Ed. 2013 (1,5 MB) Ed. 2014 (3,4 MB) Ed. 2015 (1,3 MB)
carta dei servizi 2016        
Ed. 2016 (1,7 MB)        

Info about routes

Info linee

For any clarification on lines, bus stops served, timetables, connections and the easiest way to reach your destination, you can submit a request by clicking here or sending an e-mail at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our URP will process your requests as soon as possible.

Lost items

Oggetti smarriti

Lost property found on board of the company’s vehicles are handed over by the driver on duty to the operation centre assistant as soon as possible with concurrent compilation and signing of a specific form.

The items are kept for a maximum of 30 days, beyond which, within the meaning and for the purposes of art. 927 c.c. they are sent to the Lost & Found Office of the Municipality concerned.

For further information, please contact the Operation Centre on +39 0831 549260.


Contrada Piccoli Z.I. - 72100 Brindisi
P.IVA 00112550744
Tel: 0831 54 91 11 Fax: 0831 57 57 12
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