Urban service passes


img7 abbordMONTHLY ORDINARY Pass --> 36,00 €

Valid in the issuance month only, for unlimited urban rides in Brindisi.
The pass must be accompanied by the specific personal ID ticket issued by STP.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App


Reduced rate MONTHLY PASS FOR STUDENTS --> 25,00 €img8 abbstud

Are you a student younger than 26? This is the right travel pass for you!
Valid in the issuance month only, for unlimited urban rides in Brindisi.
The pass must be accompanied by the specific personal ID ticket issued by STP.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App


Reduced rate MONTHLY PASS FOR PENSIONERS --> 25,00 €img9 abbpens

Benefits for pensioners living on a minimum wage, attested by the INPS O/bis M form.
Valid in the issuance month only, for unlimited urban rides in Brindisi.
The pass must be accompanied by the specific personal ID ticket issued by STP.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App


MONTHLY IMPERSONAL Pass --> 51,00 €img10 abbimp

Transferable travel pass, expendable by the bearer.
No accompanying personal ID ticket is required.
Valid in the issuance month only, for unlimited urban rides in Brindisi.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App


ANNUAL ORDINARY Passimg11 annord

--> 340,00 € payment in full;
--> 350,00 € biannual payment (€ 185,00 first half year + 165,00 second half year).
You can use it for 12 months starting from the issuance month, for unlimited urban rides in Brindisi.
Where to buy it: PuntoStp-Urp at no. 18 via Cappellini (Brindisi)


Reduced rate MONTHLY PASS FOR STUDENTS --> 170,00 €img12 annstud

Are you a student younger than 26 who have to travel all year round, summer included? This is the right travel pass for you!
Valid from 1st September to 31st August for unlimited urban rides in Brindisi.
Where to buy it: PuntoStp-Urp at no. 18 via Cappellini (Brindisi)



MONTHLY ORDINARY Pass --> 32,00 €img13 ordaltricom

Valid in the issuance month only, for unlimited urban rides.
The pass must be accompanied by the specific personal ID ticket issued by STP.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App


Reduced rate MONTHLY PASS FOR STUDENTS --> 22,40 €img14 studaltricom

Are you a student younger than 26? This is the right travel pass for you!
Valid in the issuance month only, for unlimited urban rides.
The pass must be accompanied by the specific personal ID ticket issued by STP.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App


Reduced rate MONTHLY PASS FOR PENSIONERS --> 22,40 €img15 pensaltricom

Benefits for pensioners living on a minimum wage, attested by the INPS O/bis M form.
Valid in the issuance month only, for unlimited urban rides in Brindisi.
The pass must be accompanied by the specific personal ID ticket issued by STP.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices
- MyCicero App



Reduced rate MONTHLY PASS FOR STUDENTS --> 22,40 €img14 studaltricom

Are you a student younger than 26? This is the right travel pass for you!
Valid in the issuance month only, for unlimited urban rides.
The pass must be accompanied by the specific personal ID ticket issued by STP.
Where to buy it:
- Ticket offices


Contrada Piccoli Z.I. - 72100 Brindisi
P.IVA 00112550744
Tel: 0831 54 91 11 Fax: 0831 57 57 12
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